Tag Archive for: schools

Take our survey!

At Counties Manukau Orienteering Club (CMOC), we love orienteering: Participating, delivering, and teaching it… And we’d like to know, so that we can improve, what you like and what you would like to see more of (or less of). We would love if you would take our survey: CMOC Schools Orienteering Programme Feedback

This survey will focus on the first three months of CMOC’s School Orienteering Programme’s deliveries, mainly the Eastern Zone Sprint Series, the Southern Zone Sprint Series, and the Zone Days. It should take you around 5 to 10 minutes to fill this out.

We are a very strongly youth-focussed organisation. If you’re a parent, we’d love your feedback, and we’d also love it if you helped your children tell us how they thought we did too!

Eastern Zone Sprint Series is back for 2023!

CMOC is proud to bring back the 2023 Eastern Zone Orienteering Sprint Series, taking place at six East Auckland schools in February and March 2023.

NZSSOC2022 Update: Ít’s finally time for Bulletin Two + example maps!

It’s finally time for Bulletin Two for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship! CMOC looks forward to welcoming you to the Auckland region next week.

NZSSOC2022 Update: Newsletter Two is out now!

Newsletter Two for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship 2022 is ready now! CMOC looks forward to welcoming you to the Auckland region in July.

NZSSOC 2022 Update: Newsletter One is out now!

Bulletin One for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship 2022 is ready now! CMOC looks forward to welcoming you to the Auckland region in July.

25 May 2022 AKSS Results

Results are available for the AKSS Champs, held on Wednesday 25 May at Waiuku Forest (North). Congratulations to all of our place-getters!

NZSSOC 2022: 21-23 July 2022

Bulletin One for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship 2022 is ready now! CMOC looks forward to welcoming you to the Auckland region in July.

Eastern and Southern Zone Sprint Series Cancelled

Due to the restrictions of the COVID Protection Framework’s Red phase, we regret that we’ve had to cancel the Eastern and Southern Zone Sprint Series events which were to take place after school on Mondays and Tuesdays in February and March.

Saturday morning running training programme taking off

Orienteers don’t often run on “engineered surfaces” (athletic tracks, concrete footpaths, etc), but more commonly on “technical terrain” that features rocks, roots, mud, water features, steep climbs and descents, and other obstacles.

To prepare our young orienteers for this, we have been developing a technical running performance training programme, led by CMOC co-president Anthony McGivern. We train at Cornwall Park, which is both centrally located and possesses many of the features of technical terrains.

The programme is centred upon long-term healthy performance. Well aware of how many and serious injuries our youth are experiencing, there is a strong focus on safety: Warm-up/down (recovery running), conditioning and stretching techniques, and many elements of the programme have been specifically designed for the female athletes that are the majority of current attendees. This programme was initially developed to complement the Baradene students’ orienteering training, and has gradually expanded to include some youth from other schools.

We also include other (non-fitness) dimensions of running performance relevant to orienteers, such as self-awareness, decision fatigue recognition and compensation, multiple running techniques for different terrains for adaptability, and how to incorporate one’s particular physique/fitness profile into orienteering route selection and optimisation.

Over the past two years, a total of 37 training sessions have been delivered as we try to embed the skillsets into the students’ muscle memory and unconscious mind.

Much of the programme also offers universal tools (such as the continual improvement “keep/stop/start” thinking) that can be of benefit to the practitioners beyond the orienteering and sporting worlds – further demonstrating how orienteering is such a great “sport for life”.

With a relatively small group (never more than 15), formal measurement and evaluation of the programme’s impact has not been easy. However, anecdotally, those who attend most frequently have noticed (including their parents and coaches) a lift in their orienteering performance relative to their peers.

But perhaps the most important thing is, we have fun! One of our parents noted that she has trouble getting her daughter up for school, but never on a Saturday morning for running training.

Saturday morning running training has really helped me, particularly learning about recovery running, which I used in the Long at NZSSOC and also at cross-country at school.

Year 11 student

NZSSOC Results: Great representation from our CMOC students!

The 2021 New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs were held 23 to 25 July in Hawke’s Bay. The weather was brilliant, with clear skies and crisp air, and our orienteers enjoyed the challenges of the Sprint at Splash Planet in Hastings and the Long and Relay at Awapai. Check out our Facebook page for photos from the Sprint, Long, and Relay. Many thanks to Hawke’s Bay Orienteering Club for welcoming and hosting our orienteers.

We’re very proud of the CMOC orienteers who took part in NZSSOC, especially those without a great deal of experience on the farmland terrain where the Long and Relay were held. As a club, we can celebrate some great successes! Results are online [SPRINT – Results and Split times, WinSplits Online (23/7/21); LONG – Results and Split times, WinSplits Online (24/7/21); RELAY – Results and Split times, WinSplits Online (25/7/21)], and here are some CMOC-relevant highlights from the results.

Tag Archive for: schools